Having escaped the “most successful genocide in a century”, Sudanese refugees seek shelter in Egypt, only to find themselves the...
Masonry Blog
Egypt, Refugees
“They Are Killing Us While We Sleep”
Persecuted, unlawfully arrested, and murdered in their homeland, Oromo refugees flee Ethiopia only to face rejection in Egypt. After two...
Egypt, Uncategorized
“Many people want to cas you as ‘the angry Arab’ but I’m not falling into that trap”
Labelled as the ‘Muslim journalist’ by Western media, Ahmed Shihab-Eldin has grown into a media personality that battles bigotry with...
Egypt, Entrepreneurship, Uncategorized
“I Was Born and Raised in Egypt, But I am Stateless.” Meet the Man Creating a Whole New Country
Born to Palestinian parents, Mohamed Al Borno is one of 10 million “invisible” people who don’t have citizenship worldwide. So...
Egypt, Refugees, Uncategorized
“I Walked 1,400 KM From Sudan to Egypt So They Wouldn’t Murder Me”
After she was imprisoned in her native land, Ilili Jamal escaped Ethiopia’s persecution of the Oromo in a torturous three-week-long...
Egypt, English, Humans of the World
“Either you reach Europe or you die”: one woman’s journey inside a refugee boat
02 September, 2015 In August 2015, as hundreds of refugees were found dead on the European shores, I met a Syrian woman who...