“I am the Siddhartha of Nuba,” said Yehia, and he instantly caught my attention. Siddhartha is a book my father...
Masonry Blog
Egypt, Uncategorized
The Egyptian Woman Reshaping the Lives of Cairo’s Child Garbage Collectors
In Cairo’s Garbage City, children as young as 7 sort rubbish with their bare hands to help their families subsist....
Egypt, Uncategorized
The 55-Year-Old Syrian Refugee Defeating Stereotypes by Volunteering at the Same NGO that Helps Her
Once a worker manufacturing ammunition, Mona Kamel Dirani fled Syria, moved by the daunting realities of war. But as she...
Egypt, Uncategorized
The 3 Egyptian Women Behind the NGO that’s Rescuing Syria’s Lost Generation
In Cairo’s 6th of October, near Little Damascus, a grassroots non-profit is running a school to help disenfranchised refugee children...
Egypt, Uncategorized
Street Art and Women: the Revolution Undone?
Valentina Primo heads out to the GrEEK Campus where Women on Walls – an initiative promoting, producing and protecting street...