With thousands fleeing each week, the exodus out of war-torn Yemen is populated mostly by professionals as the cost for...
Masonry Blog
Egypt, Uncategorized
On Being Muslim and Feminist
Unorthodox, independent, and intrinsically non-stereotypical, Muslim feminists challenge both Western liberal and Muslim clichés. Valentina Primo speaks to two Egyptian...
Egypt, Uncategorized
Obesity and Body Shaming in Egypt
A staggering 70% of the adult population is obese in Egypt. Publicly shamed, ill-advised, and often unable to exercise in...
Egypt, Humans of the World, Uncategorized
Meet the Egyptian Girl Feeding the Poor ‘Bel Bicycle’
On a hot Ramadan summer, I joined Nouran Salah on a bike ride through Cairo’s Ard El Lewa district to...
Destinations, Egypt, English, Middle East
Inside The Homes of Egypt’s Forgotten Rural Towns
Her exhausted, bare feet step on the carpet with ceremonial reverence as she leaves her plastic sandals at the doorstep....
Egypt, English, Humans of the World, Middle East
Inside Little Damascus, the Syrian Neighbourhood in Greater Cairo
Forty-five kilometres away from Egypt’s chaotic capital, across the palm-tree-framed highway that leads to the satellite city of 6th of...